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Culturethèque USA

New Alliance française de Kansas City Membership Benefit

AFKC is delighted to offer free access to Culturethèque to all active members!

What is Culturethèque and how do you log in?

Culturethèque is a digital library with a wide variety of magazines, newspapers, journals made available as they hit newsstands. Its catalog of books ranges from classics to new releases, as well as bilingual graded readers, comics, detective novels, essays, and literary prize winners. A selection of music, concerts and videos allows you to discover an artist, a new genre, listen to an entire album, explore popular music, or dive into your favorite audiobook, plus learning materials support for all ages and interests.

Create your free account here.


  • Free member access to over 120,000+ digital materials
  • 24/7 access from your personal computer, tablet, or smartphone
  • Materials for children, young adults, and adults alike
  • French language learning materials
  • 5 Tabs: Read, Listen, Watch, Learn French, Youth, guide your navigation through this cultural boon!

Mail us here

Alliance Française de Kansas City 

PO Box 8824

Kansas City MO 64114-8824

Office Location

8014 State Line Road Suite 210 

Prairie Village, KS  66208

Tel: (816) 666-8674

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