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About Us

Our office is located here:

8014 State Line Road Suite 210
Prairie Village, KS  66208
Tel: (816) 666-8674

Email:  info@afkc.org

Founded in Paris in 1883, the Alliance Française is the largest network of French language and cultural institutions in the world, with chapters in 138 countries, including 115 chapters in the United States.

The Alliance Française de Kansas City (AFKC) is a non-political, non-discriminatory Missouri nonprofit corporation founded in 1963. As part of the Alliance Française network, our mission is to promote knowledge and appreciation of the French language and Francophone cultures, and to encourage friendship and collaboration with the French-speaking world.

AFKC provides opportunities for members and other interested individuals to get together on a regular basis to exchange ideas, practice their language skills and learn more about French-speaking cultures.

Whether you are a native or fluent French speaker, a student of the language, or an interested non-French speaker, you are welcome to participate in the wide range of activities the AFKC offers, including conversation groups, social and culinary events, movies, lectures, festivals and concerts. Exchange students and French-speakers new to the Kansas City area will find a welcoming network of people to help them acclimate to life in Kansas City.

The AFKC is a federally 501(c)(3) tax-exempt entity.

OUR MISSIONThe Alliance Française de Kansas City fosters friendship and collaboration between the people of the Greater Kansas City community and the French speaking world by promoting appreciation for the French language and Francophone cultures.

NOTRE MISSION: L'Alliance française de Kansas City entretien une amitié et collabore avec l’ensemble des habitants de Kansas City, de la communauté du monde français, en promouvant l'appréciation de la langue française et la culture francophone. 

Mail us here

Alliance Française de Kansas City 

PO Box 8824

Kansas City MO 64114-8824

Office Location

8014 State Line Road Suite 210 

Prairie Village, KS  66208

Tel: (816) 666-8674

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